Thursday 10 January 2013

Poached Pictures

I had at one point promised pictures of India, so I will start with the ones I stole from my Mom.

Even though she doesn't have the same artistic eye/style as me for picture taking, I sure miss having someone to take photos as I chase around after Poohpers trying to keep her from licking every imaginably disgusting object in India.

Just noticed that some of the pictures are jumbled in order.  I will label them and let you enjoy as such.

beach in Chennai - I think this person is selling Bujis (fried snacks)

Streets of Chennai


"Ride" at the Chennai beach.  I think safety standards in India are slightly different than Canada....

More food stalls at the beach in Chennai

and again food at the beach

I think there were miles of these stalls set up, very carnival like

Selling sugar cane juice

Extracting the juice from the cane.  We were all fresh to India and thus too afraid of diarrhea to try it.

This guy was doing henna with stencils.  I though it brilliantly quick, but Hubs thought it was sketchy so he hooked us up with his cousin sister to do Henna for Sally and myself.  I forgot to get the pictures from my Mom's camera, so they will have to wait.

Outside our hotel in Chennai

Shower in the Chennai hotel room

Leaving Chennai

Loading the top of the van with our luggage so we don't have to cram five people into the back seat

leaving Chennai for Salem



Our driver buying the bananas that Poohpers will puke up later from the sketchy roadside banana man


Hills, or for people in Ontario "mountains"

more cows

proof that there was a real toilet in the room

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