Monday 21 January 2013

Exotic Fruits

So I have learned about some interesting edibles while in India.  Well, not so much learned about them as experienced them.  Most of this post will be pictures with descriptions, but I did miss out on taking photos of us stopping on the side of the road and drinking coconut juice right from the fresh green coconuts a random guy was selling.  I even tried the slimy pulp inside too.

The creepers on this tree are black pepper
These hang off the creepers and the green spheres once dried will be black pepper corns

Coffee plant

Green pods contain the coffee beans and are ripe when they are red
Ripe coffee seeds and the green are coffee beans (not dried) that are found inside the red

Palm fruit - from a Palm tree
to show scale

You cut the top off the fruit and inside are I think three of these sections which need to be peeled to eat
the actual fruit part you eat.  Slimy but nice.

Chickcoo, looks a lot like a potato
Inside, but this one is not ripe, ripe ones will be brown inside (guess there is not picture?  can't find one).  There are two or three of these black seeds.  The ripe fruit is a nice flavor, but very strong/overwhelming and too much for me, but Hubs ate lots.

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