Thursday, 10 January 2013


Okay, so for many this post might seem like a detour, but it will be short and sweet.  My friend "Fattie Footie" is obsessed with McDonalds.  She stalks the menus of McDonalds around the world and dreams of going to Switzerland one day solely to stay in the McDonalds Hotel.

Anyways, as a good friend I am obligated to check out the McDonalds in any country I visit to report back to FF.

So yesterday we traveled from Salem to Bangalore so I could check my email and blog.  Er, I mean so Hubs could show us his old boarding school (fifth standard up to the end of High school) and visit with friends.  On the drive here I pointed out the McDonalds on the highway, which Ajima instantly proclaimed "Oh, you don't want to eat there!"  and I replied "Oh, not that one, but yes I HAVE to stop at McDonalds for my friend, so we will all go there for a meal when we get to Bangalore".  Well a minute later the driver is turning around and heading back to the McDonalds because Ajima suspiciously, oopsy poopsy, I mean suddenly had to use the washroom and thought that I could take my pictures of McDonalds at this time, instead of at a meal time in the future.

I felt frazzled and completely unprepared for my McDonalds visit as I scrambled for the good camera and Ajima headed towards the washroom.  I even noticed that she went to the gas station washroom (ew) to avoid having to go into the McDonalds.

I rushed around outside taking a few photos then hurried inside to order something even though I wasn't hungry.  I'm sure I have become a delightful humorous story for the McDonalds workers about the frazzled "white girl" that came in and took pictures.  I only got myself collected enough to order french fries (which are the same world wide).  I tried to order a drink with my fries but apparently they only had tea and coffee?  Perhaps they only hook up the pop machines on the weekend?  I did manage to find this little gem for FF's enjoyment though.

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