Monday, 21 January 2013

Jet Lagged

I don't remember having problems with jet lagged on our arrival to India, we woke up a few nights at 3am before going back to sleep, but I think because Poohpers wasn't feeling too well at that time so she just slept whenever she could and the jet lag took care of itself.  Not so much this time.

We arrived back in Canada around noon and we all stayed awake till Poohpers went to bed around 6/6:30pm and I followed about half an hour later, Hubs about 1 1/2 hours after that.  We all awoke at a decent time (7am?) and I figured that would be the end of it.

The Saturday (got home on Friday) daytime nap ran a little late for Poohpers and Hubs, I slept just over an hour, the two of them over 3 1/2 hours, and we got Poohpers to bed around 7:30pm.  Sunday morning I would have been fine, but Poohpers and Hubs were up at 4:30am.  Seeing as you can hear everything in this house from the bed and the fact that my tummy was grumbling, I got up shortly after they did and busied myself with about 10 loads of laundry.

Nap time was a lot stricter yesterday and I tried to slowly wake Poohpers for about 15 mins before I had to try harder to get any response.  She responded by slapping me in the face before beginning to cry.  We had to physically remove her from her bed and room then spent the next half hour with her laying on the couch (keeping her awake) with her yelling "NO!" to everything we said or did till she woke enough to find it funny.

Bedtime ended up being around 7:30pm again (we are all working in slo-mo here) and Hubs and I were tucked in by 9pm in anticipation of "the real world" that was going to hit us today.

4:30am I was easily waken by non-other than the early riser Poohpers.  I quickly slipped in before she got upset and told her she needed to go back to sleep that everyone in Canada was still asleep for the next two hours.  She said okay, laid down and I snuck back to my warm bed to fall back to sleep.  Within minutes I could hear a little whimper coming from Poohper's room and my "maternal" side decided to go collect her into our bed for a chance at a little more sleep.

Hubs and I survive sleeping in the same bed by having our own separate blankets.  We are two islands in the same sea.  To the shock and horror of everyone in India, Poohpers sleeps in her own bed instead of with us.  We typically don't bring her into our bed because she thinks it's party time and jumps around waking us up.  This morning I was lucky enough to get her to settle down for more sleep.  For more sleep for her.

The little hot water bottle Poohpers is having trouble dealing with not spending every waking moment with me (she cried when I went to buy groceries without her) and reveled in the chance to snuggle up with me in bed.  But "snuggling up" to Poohpers feel more like "crawling back inside Mommy's womb" to me.  I'm sure she was looking for an access hatch in my neck this morning as she was burrowing in.  Poohpers also has beautiful curly hair that becomes a crazy large bush when she sleeps, and let me tell you it is very uncomfortable to breathe up your nose.

While teetering on the edge of the bed searching for a break in the fog of hair I had the inspiration to turn my back to Poohpers and push her back to the center of the bed and hopefully I would then get some sleep.  About ten minutes after successfully achieving my plan and having Poohpers settle into a warm bundle at my back she realized that Hubs was actually in the bed with the two of us and ran off in glee to snuggle into him leaving a cold spot on my back.  At least is was closer to 6am by that time.

Today she's at Daycare, so I'm waiting for the call at 2pm to say she refuses to wake up.  At least I hope they call and don't let her sleep for hours till I pick her up....

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