Sunday, 20 January 2013


Nothing says good-bye India like a steam bag of Dosa puke...

When India was still just something we were going to do, and our plans were scattered and so many things unknown, I secretly decided that I would suffer through this trip then refuse any future trips when I got home.  I think Hubs secretly decided to leave me behind for future trips too.

As to be expected, I fell in love with the country, friends, and of course family.  Wednesday morning we had a teary good-bye in Salem as we gave fair-well hugs to Bai and Ajima and waved to the small crowd of friendly faces gathered to see us off.  We traveled the seven hour trip to Chennai without puke! 

We spent the next 24 hours catching up with Hub's friends and packing and sorting and weighing our luggage till it not only fit, but every bag was under 50lbs.  We tried to nap to prepare ourselves for the 2am flight, but I think the emotions of saying good-bye and the anticipation of spending 24 hours traveling with a two year old had us on edge.  We had our last Indian supper (yes, the Dosa), checked out of the hotel and headed to the airport.

I am a cold-blooded person.  Not in the mean, evil-step-mother way, but my body is always cold and if my hands are actually room temperature, I am not well.  Poohpers is just like Hubs, she is a burning hot-water bottle, and she loves to not only sit on my lap, but fall asleep on my lap and slowly raise my body core to a disgusting level. 

As you can put together, on the drive to the airport for our 24 hours of travel to begin Poohpers made herself comfortable on my lap and my body temperature began to rise.  First thing I did was turn the A/C vent on and towards me (I usually turn them off and away from me).  Then I shifted Poohpers to the seat beside me (with loud protest from her), then I slowly held Poohpers back as I reached over for her emergency car sickness bag and before I knew it I was filling the bag with my still warm dinner as Poohpers still tried to climb on my lap and Hubs innocently said "Oh, I didn't realize you were actually feeling THAT sick".

We continues our journey without incident, but also without sleep. 

Although we had bought Poohpers her own seat for the plane rides, she has never (not even in the womb) stayed still when sleeping so between her twitching and moving and random people walking down the aisle whacking me on the head, there was to be no sleep for us on the first plane ride.  As for the second plane ride, when a two year old gets 7 hours of sleep on the first (10 1/2 hr) flight, there is little to no sleeping on the second flight.  So Hubs and I arrived in Toronto around noon having been awake for about 40 hours.  Luckily my Aunt came to pick us up, fed us and sent us off refreshed enough for a safe drive home.

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