Wednesday, 9 January 2013

It is written in the stars...

Last night (as per the day I wrote it) we had an astrologer come to read our destinies.  Astrology is VERY important to Hub’s community and will not only tell you the fate of someone, but is also highly influential in determining arranged marriages. 

In order to get your astrology done you must first get a chart plotted determined by the time, date and location (or time zone) of your birth.  These charts were originally painstakingly plotted out and etched on palm leaves (Ajima still has her chart on a palm leaf, very cool), but are now calculated on the computer and printed out on paper all within minutes.  While out shopping last week we stopped and got a chart for myself.  Ajima of course has had charts for Hubs and Poohpers since shortly after their births.

The two men that came were Priests and Astrologers and do readings for 100 rupees per chart/reading.  That converts to about $2 CAD per reading.  My sister in law was saying that because Astrology is so important it does not cost too much and many Astrologers in small villages will read charts for 10 rupees (20 cents CAD) or for trade.

The Priest doing the reading knew nothing about me other than that I was Hub’s wife.  This was only said because Hubs had denounced marriage earlier in his life and this Astrologer had told his mother that he would get married later in life (he was 43).  Most of what was said about me (or everyone really) was not surprising to me, but it was very interesting that he could tell me so much about myself.  He could even determine how many siblings each of my parents had from my chart.  Crazy.

For your delight I will post comments about some of what was said mostly about me.  I have to say it’s really weird to sit at a table and have six other people listen to your destiny/fate/character in another language while you just wait for an interpretation.  I also noticed the sketchiness in that the Astrologer talked a long time, then everyone talked awhile, then they would turn to me and give me a two word description.

Okay here is what was said….

  • I am very intuitive, have a more accurate intuition of the future(I think more accurate than most), have dream intuition 
  • 100% profitable in ventures (maybe because I’m too scared to try? lol)
  • Strong willed
  • My Parents are very important in their religious temple 
  • My Dad is one of five siblings 
  • My Mother’s family is three plus to equal four (I think this is because my youngest Aunt is much younger than her siblings.
  • When I get the family I want it will all work out.  As in I will decide my own fate
  • I will marry “late” around 28-31 years old 
  • I will have 26 years of self-sufficient clarity in my career direction
  • I will get blessings and wealth from my forefathers 
  • I will have three children but only two will materialize (WTF! We are happy with just Poohpers and have sold/given away all our baby stuff!)
    o   We will have one girl and one boy.  That being said when he read Poohper’s chart he said she had the “Character of a man” so consequently her “sibling” (again WTF!) will probably be a girl.  Oh, this magically appearing baby will be coming in a year or a year and a half.  I think Hubs is going to cut me off for the next two years.
    o   Poohpers is VERY decisive, unlike Hubs and me. 
  • Everyone comes to my Dad for arbitration.  He is a problem solver 
  • I am a teacher whether I make money teaching or not 
  • I will have a great name (I guess career wise?) 
  • I work better under direction, not as a sole decision maker 
  • I should not be a guarantor for anyone as I will have to pay (everyone be warned, not going to guarantor anyone!) 
  • Short to anger (WHAT how dare he….!) 
  • We will own our own house when I am 35 
  • We will have marital bliss as we are very compatible and took a long time to really get to know each other before we got married

 So I thought most of it was pretty accurate.  I don’t know about the whole two babies things, but I do know my friend “Fattie Footie” will be jumping up and down with glee.

1 comment:

  1. Neat stuff Trish. Interesting to know that your future child is expected to arrive around you are expected to own your own home....hmmmm...
