Sunday, 23 December 2012

The Unerwear Understanding

So a week and a half before we are to leave on our trip, Poohpers randomly says to me "No Diaper, Underwear!"  10 days, before we will spend 48 hours in transit this kid wants to start potty training.  Not months before, not weeks before, DAYS.  48 HOURS OF TRAVEL!  AHHHH

I tried to stall her by telling her "When we come back from visiting Ajima you can have underwear" but then anytime you mentioned Ajima she would yell out "UNDERWEAR!".  Which is a little awkward when Ajima is on the phone and you say "say hi to Ajima" and Poohpers just yells "UNDERWEAR!"

I though I had gotten away with my defferal, but the sheets from daycare started coming home saying "peed on potty" instead of "wet diaper".  Plus Poohpers started taking off her own diapers and running around camando.

So six days before we leave the daycare and I had a little chat and decided to try to potty train her before the trip.  I ran out that night bought a travelable potty to take to India and 16 pair of itty bittty undies.  Well, Poohpers was in heaven the next morning when I showed her the undies and new potty.  (Note we already have the seat that fits on the big toilet and a throne of a potty)  She gladly donned the undies and proceeded to start using the potty every 20 mins.  The first day was very good with very few accidents.  The second day was great, with only one accident when she was terribly upset at me for sitting in the wrong spot on the couch three times in a row.  Then she was refusing to pee more than once an hour.  We even got to a point when she would say "No Mama!" and slam the bathroom door in my face if I tried to help her go potty.  The third day we even went out in public with almost no accidents (a little squirt on the way home). 

At noon on the thrid day we need to take a 2 hr car trip to visit friends and family before our trip.  I pulled out the brand new pull-ups.  Fearing that she would refuse these "diapers" I told her they were special underwear for long car rides and plane trips.  She flat out refused them.  I distracter her with lunch as I frantically tried to figure out how to get her into the pull-up without force.  After lunch I just layed it on the line.  "Time to put on the Pull-ups"  Apparently my wording was just off, because she smiled and started chanting "PULL-UPS!  PULL-UPS!" as she eagerly put them on.  She even left them on as we went from house to house visiting people.

The next morning to my surprise underwear was met with resistance.  "You don't want to wear underwear?" I asked in shock.  "No, PULL-UPS!" she proclaimed.  So, basically we are back in diapers, but now they cost about twice as much as regular diapers.  It was a good 2 1/2 days, but maybe it's all for best, she always refused to poo in the potty and that stuff is disgusting to pick off underwear...

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