Well I came home with a stack of medications we hope to never use and $225 less in my bank account, and a list of more things we might not need, but really should buy. $225 for all the crap in the picture that we are hoping goes completely unused and the most depressing part is that delicious chocolate in the photo will never reach my mouth. It's part of the "gifts" to be given to relatives. $225 dollars for basically nothing! Well, at least my teeth will be clean.
I of course blame the short dictator that lives in our house. Being completely responsible for a relatively helpless person makes you prepare for such a journey more thoroughly, in essence, it makes you paranoid. Every bottle in the store that said child on it is now in my possession. I am prepared to hold off death for a few days should our typhoid treatments not work.
In this large stack of drugs, er medications, was one we had never used on Poohpers, Motion Sickness Liquid. Now Poohpers so far hasn't had any problems with motion sickness, but I have heard from my friend well versed in motion sickness that it has the bonus side effect of drowsiness. I know this sounds bad to purposely drug your kid to sleep, but I figure it's a good tool to have in your back pocket if you are crazy enough to take a two year old on a seven hour flight followed by a nine hour flight, that is followed by a short sleep before an eight hour car ride.
I have heard that some kids get hyper instead of drowsy from motion sickness meds, and I am always cautious of side-effects with new medications so I figured half way across the Atlantic ocean stuck in a metal pod in the sky was probably not the best time to find out what kind of reaction Poohpers would have. Today we gave the medicine a test ride. Obviously nothing happened right away, but within the hour she was running around and shrieking like a mad woman. We were beginning to think it was making her hyper so Hubs decided to take her to the park. While getting her outside coat on, Poohpers started to randomly fall over and as they went to walk out the door Poohpers was a little slower and less excited as usual, but kept a good pace as Daddy held open the door for her and she walked right into the wall beside the door. Her poor little legs and arms kept going in her effort to reach the park. Once we composed ourselves (hey, Poohpers was finding it quite entertaining too! Well, she was smiling like she was finding it entertaining) we concluded the medication was working! The nap time revolt was also very brief today and the nap itself lasted almost twice as long. Yeah back up plan for flight number two!
Hmm, maybe I should give myself a test run...
Are you certain the chocolate will reach the relatives in un-melted condition? I think you should just eat it and save them the sadness of melted chocolate.